Des postes — Gemstones
Blue Topaz
Publié par Laura Greenshields le

Composition Topaz is an aluminium silicate and fluorine mineral. Topaz is naturally a golden-brown or yellowish-brown hue. Because of the numerous chemical impurities topaz may be crimson, gray, reddish-orange, pale green, violet, or blue. Blue topaz is the best known of the Topaz gems, and is the designated gemstone of the State of Texas . History In the Medieval era, the word topaz applied to any light coloured jewel. For the ancient Romans, blue topaz was a protection stone used while travelling. In the Middle Ages, it was assumed that wearing topaz on the left arm shielded the...
- Balises: Gemstones
August Pick: Peridot
Publié par Laura Greenshields le

Our Pick for August: Peridot I will be honest with you. As an August baby myself, I long hated Peridot. The cheap glass birthstone rings at the drug store were a pukey hospital green, and I was consumed with jealousy towards those lucky February babies who got Amethyst purples for their colour. It wasn’t until I started working with Silver Street Jewellers and saw real, high-quality Peridot that I began to love my birthstone. Semi-Precious Peridot is a gorgeous, fresh, bright, green tone that catches everyone’s eye! Composition Peridot is a Silicate Mineral. The green colour is caused by the...
- Balises: Birthstones, Gemstones
July Pick: Ruby
Publié par Laura Greenshields le

Our Pick for July: Ruby Ruby is a beautiful precious gemstone. The deep red hue of this gem has made it highly sought after since the moment it was discovered. Kings and Queens the world over have used this gorgeous gem to adorn their crowns and jewellery, and now, you can too! Such good company you keep. Ruby is the birthstone for those lucky enough to be born in July, so this month we are learning all about it! Composition Ruby is classed as an Corundum Mineral. These minerals contain Aluminum Oxide. Another well known Corundum Mineral is Sapphire. Ruby...
- Balises: Birthstones, Gemstones
June Pick: Moonstone
Publié par Laura Greenshields le

Notre choix pour juin: Moonstone La pierre de lune est l'une des pierres semi-précieuses les plus connues au monde. Le magnifique éclat et la lueur de la pierre de lune ont captivé la civilisation depuis des siècles. La pierre de lune est l'une des pierres précieuses représentant les anniversaires de juin, ainsi que Pearl et Alexandrite, nous voulions donc nous concentrer sur cette magnifique pierre ce mois-ci! Composition Moonstone est classé dans le groupe Orthoclase Feldspath et est composé de couches de silicate de potassium et d'aluminium. La principale caractéristique reconnaissable est la manière dont la lumière se déplace...
- Balises: Birthstones, Gemstones