Amethyst | Silver Street Jewellers


Posted by Laura Greenshields on


Amethyst is a violet type of quartz and before the 18th century it was the most precious gemstone (along with diamond, sapphire, ruby, and emerald). However, since the discovery of vast reserves in Brazil, it has lost much of its importance. Amethyst is a gem stone which ranges in color from a light lavender to a dark purple. Amethyst also occurs in association with other crystals often producing other amazing gems such as ametrine.


Amethyst has been lauded for its sparkling elegance and mythical properties of rejuvenation.  Amethyst has been synonymous with February since the time of the Romans, who named February "Neptune's Month". It should be no wonder that it is an indication of that month as the traditional spring birthstone. It is the stone of Saint Valentine and faithfulness to one's mate, and signifies ecclesiastical honor as the Bishop's Stone. Ancient Greek men wore amethyst necklaces claiming that the crystal prevented intoxication and medieval European warriors wore amethyst amulets believing that the gem had mystical curing and calming powers.

Healing properties

Amethyst is a highly-revered talisman for use in the arts and is particularly effective in darker shades. Hold an Amethyst crystal or cluster close you to concentrate and intensify the artistic elements of the Eternal Life Force. Amethyst is a potent healing crystal that can aid humans, plants, and
animals. It regulates the harmful energy in the surrounding atmosphere and consumes negative energy. It is particularly helpful for children who suffer from frequent nightmares and fears of the dark and can help relieve homesickness. It inhibits free radicals and assists in the treatment of stomach, scalp, and cardiovascular disorders. Amethyst helps in immune regulation, decreases
bruising, discomfort and swelling.

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