Posted by Laura Greenshields on

Azurite is one of two copper carbonates; malachite is the other. The mineral azurite is present in Sinai and the Egyptian desert. It exists in the oxidized portions of copper ore produced in large nodules. The saturated color varies, transitioning from light blue into shades of indigo, which can include bands of light blue. It is one of the oldest pigments, used for millennia in painting and the dyeing of cloth.
Azurite has been commonly used throughout history, and was described by Pliny the Elder under the Greek and Latin names kuanos and caeruleum, respectively. The mineral azurite is present in Sinai and the Egyptian desert. It was used for dyeing a ritual cloth over the mask of a Fifth Dynasty egyptian mummy.
Healing properties
Azurite allows the subconscious to relieve tension and confusion, and decreases emotions that hide in the back of your consciousness. Azurite brings confidence, honesty, patience, and reverence, offering energy that encourages true character, living wisely, and being more trustworthy.
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